Featured Project:
1421: The Year China Discovered America? 

1 x 120’ for PBS/Person Television

1421 investigates a revolutionary new theory that claims to rewrite the history of the world. In the 15th century China was the greatest naval power. That Admiral, Zheng He, a muslim eunuch, led fleets of 28,000 men on seven extraordinary journeys of exploration is well documented.

But the scale of Zheng’s epic voyages, previously thought to have reached only as far as Arabia and Africa, took a giant leap forward, thanks to the detective work of Gavin Menzies, a British amateur historian and former submarine commander. But is Menzies right or wrong? 1421 interweaves the Menzies’ detective story with the history of the Ming Fleet. Working closely with leading maritime historians, archaeologists and anthropologists, 1421 reveals and tests each critical point in Menzies’ argument and exposes the truth.
